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Department of Production Management Engineering HANBAT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY

Department Overview and Objectives

The Department of Production Management Engineering, a contract department supported by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, researches scientific and engineering approaches and various management techniques to address various issues at production and manufacturing sites. Third-year transfer students are selected from among those who have been employed at small and medium-sized enterprises in the production, manufacturing, and knowledge-based service industries for at least six months, in accordance with Article 19 of the Special Act on Support for Human Resources of Small and Medium Enterprises and Article 8 of the Promotion of Industrial Education and Industry-Academic Cooperation Act. 85% of their tuition is subsidized by the government and 7.5% is paid by companies, and a bachelor of engineering is awarded upon completion of the program. It is worth noting that workers from SMEs and medium-sized corporations are provided with a different amount of tuition support, depending on the sales of their companies, in accordance with the operating guidelines of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. Workers from medium-sized corporations make up about 30% of the class.

Ideal Characteristics

The program contributes to the revitalization of the local manufacturing and knowledge-based service industries by fostering technical manpower in the field of productivity innovation and cultivates practical skills in students so that they can identify and solve problems at manufacturing sites.

Program Characteristics

Program Characteristics - Year Level, Description
Year Level Description
3rd year
  • Gain expertise to improve your organization’s productivity
  • Practical training to enhance job competencies required at production sites
4th year
  • Hone the capabilities to identify the problems in the field and solve them creatively
  • Cultivate practical skills that can be applied in the field

Admission Criteria

  • Have been employed at an SME for at least 6 months as of the start of the semester (March 1)
  • Directors and workers who are employed by a small enterprise under Article 8 of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and who are enrolled in employment insurance and provide actual labor
  • Those whose company and job are related to the educational content of the degree program